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Vox Imaging Technology Ltd


The VoxOne is optimised for laboratory research. The confocal scanning design delivers significantly improved image quality compared with fundus cameras, but with the performance of a repurposed clinical cSLO. It has been designed for experimental and pre-clinical research, with an emphasis on laboratory usability and simplified data collection.

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Rapid setup and usability

The product emphasises usability. The imaging head is compact at 160 x 100 x 170 mm, is easily positioned leaving a clear working volume around the subject and the control unit can be conveniently placed away from the experimental area. The complete system can be easily transported in the supplied carrying case.

Industry standard software

We use the industry standard and Open Source professional microscopy software package µManager with its easy to use GUI interface for image streaming and hardware control. µManager includes a huge range of third party plug-ins for image registration, enhancement, analysis and export etc and can be simply scripted with Python and Matlab.

Adaptable platform

The VoxOne is designed as a platform that is easily adapted and added to, to implement additional and novel experimental methods.  Alternate laser sources and blocking filters can be straightforwardly installed to image a wide range of alternate wavelengths and fluorophores. We are planning a range of powerful hardware add-on modules to add further imaging and functional testing capabilities. The first of these will be an integrated image guided Electroretinography (ERG) module using a laser pattern stimulator for pattern and multifocal ERG. We also plan an exciting new product combining our cSLO with Optical Coherence Retinal imaging.

Want to know more about what the VoxOne can do? Request access to our preview documents below.

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